Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Our Safety Is No More

Benjamin Franklin once noted that "Those who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserves neither liberty nor safety." This quote has been stated in a variety of ways but no matter how you state it the fact of the matter is if you attempt to trade your liberty for safety you will ultimately lose both. Such is the case today.

There is no doubt that over the past century we the people have allowed our freedoms and our liberty to slowly disappear. This began at the turn of the 20th century when the Progressives determined that our Constitution was a "living document" and that its principles were no longer what the public desired. Through good times and bad we listened to these foolhardy individuals and agreed with them. During good times they played to our charitable nature saying that but for a few pennies a day those of us who were successful could lift up those who were not all through government run programs. During bad times we were told that the government had to step in and devise programs that would save us and the nation from extermination. In both cases we acceded to the ploys of the politicians.

Now we are in the 21st century and we find ourselves surrounded by tyrannical politicians and their bureaucrats and they are in the process of making us less safe then we have ever been in a variety of ways. Our safety has been attacked by the Obama administrations policies

Obama and the Congress, and this includes the former Bush Congress, put into place a monstrous multi billion dollar stimulus package. In addition the current administration has put into place a trillion dollar plus budget involving additional spending. This spending will be supported by more taxes that will take additional funds from you. That will cause a lose of economic security.

There are two astronomical programs that will have an adverse affect on your safety. The first is the infamous cap and trade program. We now know,thanks to the assistance of some computer hackers, that these militant environmentalists lied and lied and lied when it came to the condition of our planet. The basic thing you need to know here is that the temperatures are going down and not up. Is this going to stop the craziness of our political hacks in the environmental/new communist movement? I doubt it. Not only will they continue this absurdity of trying to supply and run the nation on solar and wind, they will move even faster then before undoubtedly hoping that we continue to be the blithering idiots they think we are. Again, in many ways, our safety is at stake here because we will have to retrofit our homes and purchase new cars. Our taxes will increase in order to subsidize these new but failing industries. Not only is this a continuation of the lose of our economic safety, our health will be in jeopardy given the smaller cars and other forms of transportation. Add to that the fact that any time we have moved to conserve a resource the price of that commodity has gone up.

Then there is the taking over of the health care system of our nation. A number of major points to remember here. First and foremost is the fact that the plan calls for the collection of taxes for 3-4 years prior to the enactment of the actual health care. This was done to create the illusion that health care was going to be deficit neutral. It isn't. Between 2014 and 2024 this program is suspected to reach $2.4 trillion. Hapless Harry Reid is on record stating that such will be the case. On top of all of the above, this will put the government in charge of your life. They will be into every nook and cranny of your body and life including their ability to reach into your bank accounts in order to pay the bill. And for those of you who don't believe their will be rationing of health care, well I have a really nice Ford Edsel to sell you.

The health care bill will be the largest and most expensive program we have ever put into place. Yet the village idiots continue to show up and proclaim the greatness of Social Security, soon to go into the red, an Medicare, soon to go into the red before Social Security. Health care will be rationed and we saw a taste of this just a few days ago. Women will now be forced to get their mammograms and their PAP smears later. How does something like this simply change over night particularly when we just experienced a Nation wide program to vaccinate our teenage daughters against cervical cancer so they can continue to have both safe and unsafe sex in their teens. Does that seem nuts to you? I am waiting for NOW to step up and tell the ladies to unite and have "die ins" at their local doctors offices, hospitals and clinics. Ladies, you are being sold a bill of goods, yet again, and I hope you do something about it. This is not only an example of and attack of our economic safety, it is truly an outright attack on our personal safety.

Then there is the attack on the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment as found in the Bill of Rights is not about hunting. The Founders and Framers would have laughed at anyone who suggested that they needed an amendment to protect hunting. The Second Amendment is all about our right to defend ourselves and our families in our homes and within our communities. Across the nation states and commonwealths are putting the Castle Doctrine into place. This is based on the fact that a man's home is his Castle and as such he has the right to protect it even if it means killing the intruder. This legislation has been extended to include outside areas where one has the right to be and the right to protect his life. Obama, his confirmed allies and his czars, wants to put severe restrictions on guns and nudge you out of your ownership of them. This will certainly make you less safe due to your inability to defend yourself something that more and more Americans have decided to do by carrying concealed.

Last but certainly not least is the inability to get the bad guys under control and in jail. Along with that is a lousy, delusional foreign policy that weakens the nation. A number of things have happened under this heading. Obama refused to put a protective missile system into eastern European nations such as Poland. He has finally come up with 34 thousand troops, 10 thousand are support staff, for the "good war" in Afghanistan but he did this while developing an exit strategy published in the WSJ. He has failed to move strongly against the likes of Iran and North Korea. He continues to bow to foreign rulers, a sign to them that we are capitulators. In addition his defense department has moved to cut the production on the F-22 for the Navy.

The final blow has been the decision to move the stinking' terrorists to New York for a show trial that has now been confirmed by one of their lawyers. Please do not be surprised if these guys walk. Have a safe Thanksgiving holiday and remember the Turkeys won't.

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