Sunday, August 30, 2009

No Nation Has Spent Its Way Out Of An Economic Disaster

This week we saw the glorification of a truly evil man born into a truly evil family. Ted Kennedy, Senator from the State of Massachusetts, was laid to rest amazingly enough in Arlington Cemetery. He is there alongside his brother Joseph, a true hero who's explosive laden plane blew up 10 minutes before he and his crew were supposed to parachute out of the it in World War II. His brother John Kennedy, assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, is also at Arlington. As far as I know, Joe Kennedy, named after the old man, did not have the sordid background that came to be associated with the Kennedy males. And did you know before this week that Ted, who was removed from Harvard for cheating, was in the US Army for two years.

Ted Kennedy was labeled the Liberal Lion. Actually it should be the Progressive Lion. As such he served in the US Senate for decades as one of the Left's useful idiots. His allies in the press have been praising him since his demise for his fantastic programs. I ask what programs and why were they so good. Keep in mind that it was this Senator who when told by economist Milton Friedman that in 6000 years socialism had never succeeded, responded to Friedman by saying it would work now that he, Senator Ted, was here to run it. Ah, Lenin and Stalin would be proud.

By now you probably guessed that I am not a Senator Ted fan and you would be right. While I was initially a supporter of John Kennedy, I was a sophomore in high school, I moved in the opposite direction as I grew older and the philandering of John Kennedy came to light. It also became quite obvious that he did not have all the smarts that others claimed. He blew his meeting with Khrushchev in Berlin and stated that Khrushchev had "... just beat the hell out of me.". He screwed up the Bay of Pigs, sent special forces troops to Vietnam and took us to the brink of nuclear war with the Cuban Missile crisis. Meanwhile the luscious Marylin Monroe created enough steam at his birthday party to close down Dulles Airport and the Baltimore and Washington Beltways.

Senator Ted lost favor with a lot of Americans over the Chappaquiddick incident and particularly the nine hour interval that surrounded the death of Mary Jo Kopechne. There have been a ton of rumors on this issue. Ted and Mary Jo were having an affair. Both were drunk and he drove his car off the bridge. His story states that he dove several times to rescue her but was injured and swam away. Some nine hours passed until Kennedy told the police about it. By that time the car and body had been found. Kennedy denied he had been drunk but many viewed the nine hour delay as the time used by Kennedy to get sober. Another story tells about another woman in the car. Purportedly Mary Jo, a bit inebriated herself, fell asleep in the back of Ted's car during the Chappaquiddick Party. Ted and another lady got in his car and headed for their own tryst not knowing Mary Jo was in the back seat. Ted went off the bridge and his biggest concern was getting rid of the other woman so that Joan, his pregnant wife, would not know about the other woman. That is the supposed reason for the nine hour delay. What shook most of us was the fact that Senator Ted was charged with leaving the scene of the accident and received a slap on the wrist with a 2 month suspended sentence and a year's probation. Some how I pictured something a lot harsher even at that time in history when people got away with drunken driving. The icing on the cake was that when Ted ran for re-election in 1970 he received 62% of the vote in Massachusetts.

Let's put Chappaquiddick in the past and look at some of Ted's latest efforts. You might recall his alliance with George W. Bush on the No Child Left Behind Act passed in the first Bush term. This act increase educational costs to the states by 40% and as usual it was an unfunded mandate. It ultimately drew the wrath of the Progressives because it held teachers accountable for the education of children and caused a huge amount of additional paper work. The teachers' union bellowed and Ted became an opponent of his own legislation. Probably forgot to read it. Meanwhile as things heated up for the non-combative Bush administration Kennedy's connection to NCLB was obliterated and Bush became the sole owner of the Bill.

Kennedy was also a supporter of the war in Iraq under Bush 43. In September of 2002 Kennedy proclaimed that the US knew that Hussein was seeking wmds. He went on to say that Hussein's regime is "a serious danger" and that "his pursuit of lethal weapons cannot be tolerated." But when the moment came Ted and his fellow Progressives did a 180 and turned on the Iraq war and the troops in a move they saw as a political opportunity.

While ranting against the war, Ted then teamed up with his Republican buddy, John McCain and gave us the Kennedy-McCain Amnesty Bill. This piece of legislation would have given amnesty to millions of illegal aliens in this nation. Keep in mind that Senator Ted was the man who had changed our immigration laws to allow the unfortunate to immigrate to our shores. Shifts in quotas were made so that now two immigrants a year could enter the USA from let's say England while 2 million could come from Yemen. Kennedy, at the time, promise us that we would not be picking up gazillions of these less then qualified folks as entrants into our nation. He lied. His goal all along was to enhance the Progressive voter base as was the case with Kennedy-McCain in 2008 when he wanted to add the illegal Hispanic voters to the rolls by granting amnesty to those already here and add additional illegals as they crossed the border. Ted, of course, was not affected by the failure of this bill to become law but McCain suffered mightily when it became a real bone of contention during his presidential campaign in 2008. Ted, once again, became the invisible man on a bill he had co-authored. What a guy.

With his demise, Ted's fellow Progressives want to use him as an ad for Obamacare. Let's do this in memory of Ted. Behind this are such distinguished individuals as Banking Queen Barney Frank, Mortgage Master Christopher Dodd, and Tax Evader and Landlord Charles Rangle. I am sure that other luminaries like Kent Conrad, Hillary Clinton, and Charles Sumerwant the plan to immortalize Senator Ted, Chief Progressive and Major Fascist Leader.

In closing let me add that Ted Kennedy and his ilk pushed the Progressive mantra of identity politics that ended up pitting one American against the other. He used his power as a Senator to increase the spending of the government that allowed the poor to become comfortable in their poverty. He allowed for the expansion of the deficit and implemented and supported programs that added to the national debt while participating in the cutting of our military forces making us more venerable to attacks by our enemies. Indeed he sat idly by while Bill Clinton saw to it that our enemies were able to acquire the means to defeat us. Senator Ted was not a good man, indeed one has to question was he a good American with his nation's concerns or his own well being and political position his primary objective.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Progressive Destruction

"It is the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigor. A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of it laws and constitution." Thomas Jefferson , Notes on Virginia Query 19, 1781

For over a century we have allowed the Progressives/Liberals from both parties to extend their noses under the tent that houses our constitution. It was Teddy Roosevelt who made the first pronouncement on national health care calling for its implementation. As president he signed the infamous Sherman Anti-Trust Act, a major intrusion on capitalism that would ultimately see a very cozy relationship develop between business and government. Teddy, darling of the conservative Republicans to this day, was not a conservative based on the standards of our Founders and Framers.

Teddy's cousin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, put us on the path to socialism with a wide variety of monstrous spending programs among them the world's greatest Ponzi Scheme, Social Security. In addition to this program, now on the verge of going bankrupt, FDR proposed a "Second Bill of Rights" that included a right to a job, a right to a house and a host of other rights that were not ever going to be rights. A Right is something the government can never take away from you such as the right to free speech and the right to defend yourself and your family. The government that is large enough to buy you a house can also take that house away.

Since 1960 we have steadily headed into fascism. It was John F. Kennedy who would take us into the Viet Nam war when he sent Special Forces there to assist the South Vietnamese. This action was taken to get even with Khrushchev for the tongue lashing he gave Kennedy at their meeting in Berlin. Let us not forget that it was JFK who ignored the warnings that the Soviets were putting missiles in Cuba. At the last moment the US sent a flight over Cuba to take pictures. Lo and behold we found missiles that were moments away from being capable of reaching the US. Kennedy's tardiness put us on the edge of nuclear war.

With Kennedy's assassination, Lyndon Johnson ascended to the office of the president of the United States. Known for his slick ways in Congress, Johnson would continue them as president. He gave us the "Great Society" with its "War on Poverty" (note the crisis mode with "war"). How did Johnson fight this contrived war on poverty? Well, one of the things he did was declare that mothers would get a government check for themselves and their children as long as there was no man in the home. This in and by itself was devastating on the inhabitants, many of them black Americans, who lived in the inner city. Johnson proudly proclaimed that his administration had passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, with the help of Republicans not his Democrats, single handily did more to destroy the black family since the days of slavery. He did not create a Great Society, he laid the ground work for minority dependence in a "Welfare State." To date trillions of dollars have been shoveled into the hands of the poor who have now, as Benjamin Franklin warned "become comfortable in their poverty."

In addition to the "War on Poverty", it was LBJ who would give us Medicare and Medicaid. These programs were actually a fulfillment of promises made in Social Security. Both of these programs are on the verge of bankruptcy and yet we are now discussing a massive health care program that will ruin us.

The two remaining stars of the Progressives in the waning days of the 2oth century were Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. Carter took us into one of the worse recessions that we had ever seen. Unemployment rose and we found ourselves in an economic state called deflation. On top of that interest rates raced into the stratosphere. On top of that Iran went through a revolution and at the beginning of that revolution grabbed a host of Americans and held them hostage for over 400 days. These hostages were released as Ronald Reagen gave his inaugural speech. Jimmy Carter was so paralyzed by this event that he all but boarded himself in the White House.

Bill Clinton is another star Progressive. Telling the nation that he would not raise the taxes on the middle class he proceeded to do just that. Under his administration we had Islamic Terrorists attack the trade center and the USS Cole. Like Obama, Clinton and his wife attempted to give us a massive health care program that would have given the government control of one seventh of the economy. He put the cherry on the sundae of his administration with his affair, something he lied about, with Monica. George Will was kind when he noted that Clinton was a lousy man but a good president. Clinton fans told us how smart he was. This was a guy who couldn't keep a sleazy affair with a woman, but a few years older then his daughter, hidden. On top of that Mrs. Clinton was lauded and pitied by the media elite who told us she was the smartest woman in the world. The vote, at least here, is quite the opposite and I believe that to be the case with most Americans. We know when we have put a skunk into the White House.

By way of full disclosure I want to note that I was not thrilled with Richard Nixon. I disagreed with his Price Controls because they solve nothing. I certainly did not support his cover up, however, had he decided to stay I do believe that if you look at the charges drawn up by the House of Representatives, that Nixon would not have been found guilty by the Senate. Nixon, however, followed Truman's advice and got out of the kitchen

Neither Bush did a whole lot for me. I was not thrilled with Bush 41 who told us in his inaugural speech that we had to be a "kinder, gentler nation". He missed an opportunity by ending Desert Storm and he certainly disappointed the Kurds when we did not come to their aid. At the same time it was rumored that Bush 41 was a globalist something I believe would cost us our sovereignty.

Bush 43 was also a concern with his "compassionate conservatism." Conservatives by their nature and with their wallets have shown for decades who is compassionate and who isn't. I felt a bit insulted by that phrase. On top of that, Bush 43 made a number of missteps the first being the failure to bomb Afghanistan, the home of bin Laden, on 9-11 or 9-12. In addition, he allowed the Progressives to beat him up on Iraq and didn't bother to fight back putting his house in order. His cherry on the sundae was the failure to notice or warn us about the economic mess we are in at this time.

This leaves us with one relatively good president in the past four plus decades and that is Reagan. Reagan realized that we needed to maintain a position of strength while praising democracy and trading with nations around the world. One of the basic beliefs of our Founders and Framers. He stated that we had to keep the money out of the hands of Congress because they were of a nature to come up with programs to help us and these programs would cost money. Here we are looking at a national debt in excess of 11 trillion dollars and that does not include the price of Social Security and Medicare. Ronald Reagan recognized the Democratic Revolution that was going on and he knew that the USSR was in trouble economically. He moved to end the Cold War. He was the only president to believe that we could win the Cold War and it was a central point of his administration. Those who followed dropped the ball. Now we are in the hands of a fascist. Coming at us with guns ablazing. Barack Obama is intent on making this a fascist nation. Pray it does not happen.