In the election of 1912 the Democrats/Progressives put foreword a bespectacled governor from New Jersey, Woodrow Wilson. Wilson was the son of a Presbyterian minister and a southerner who was not all that opposed to slavery. He spent most of his early years in academia. He attended Princeton and became its president.
Were you to look at a picture of President Wilson you would not imagine him as a man intent on radical changes in the American system and yet that is what he wanted to do. He thought that a parliamentary system was best for us and be damned those old moldy documents that we refer to as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Wilson was full of himself with an ego larger then all outdoors. It was that ego that played a large part in his down fall.
Wilson is best remember for attempting to keep us out of war specifically World War I. That, of course did not happen and one has to wonder if that was his goal. Like Rahm Emanuel, Wilson realized that a lot could be gained from a crisis, particularly since it caused the nation to rally round the government.
While Wilson was able to point to the winning of the war, he failed when it came to the peace. Showing up at Versailles with all the cards in his hands, Wilson allowed Clemenceau and Lloyd George to run rough shod over him thus Wilson and America lost the peace. Back home the victorious Republicans under the leadership of Senator Henry Cabot Lodge defeated Wilson's primary goal to enter the League of Nations, Wilson's baby so to speak.
That is pretty much the history lesson taught to young Americans and while it is true and accurate one must look at additional dangerous accomplishments by this early Progressive. It was under Wilson's reign that this nation adopted the 16th Amendment to the Constitution that put into place the infamous income tax. This Amendment opened the door to an expansive and extensive government. No other item is so patently used to whip the populace into line then the United States Tax code. It is a monstrous and growing item that is used by Congress to curry favors with their financial contributors and the wealthy back home.
In addition to Amendment 16 is Amendment 17 that allowed for the election of Senators to the United States Congress. Up until the 17th's passage it was the state legislatures that selected the federal senators. While this allowed for some cases of corruption, Senator Timber, Senator Steel, it kept those men loyal to their state. Today our US Senators have no loyalty to their states because they need to travel across the nation to fund raising parties.
Wilson was a tremendous supporter of the 17th Amendment because his nemesis in the Congress was none other then Henry Cabot Lodge. Despite Wilson's working against Lodge, Lodge came out the winner when the good citizens of Massachusetts elected him to the Senate. Indeed it was Lodge who brought the letter to Wilson telling him that the Senate was in opposition to the League of Nations and it would not past that body.
In addition to repealing the 16th and 17t Amendment we need to review and tighten the reach of the Commerce Clause. Congress is permitted to regulate commerce with "foreign nations, the several states, and the Indian tribes." Of all the clauses within the Constitution none has been more abused then this one. Sneeze in one state while crossing into another and you will find yourself embroiled in a Supreme Court case to regulate nasal hair and all items associated with same.
Year after election year we are told by office seekers that they want to become our representative in order to reform the system. Now we have a president and czars who admittedly want to not just reform the system they want to replace it with fascism. What we truly need at all levels of government are REPEALERS.
G. K. Chesterton in his work entitled "Eugenics and Other Evil Things" points out that at one point REPEALERS in government were quite popular. Somewhere along the way the politicos agreed to not wipe out the other guy's policies thus the REPEALERS disappeared. The result; burgeoning budgets, massive government programs, laws upon existing laws, and a bureaucracy that is not only huge in its expansiveness, it runs our government at all levels. This bureaucracy is in place due to what was initially a good idea, Civil Service Testing. What is not good is that it is all but impossible to fire these employees and jobs have become generational. Next election question with boldness if your office seeker is willing to be a REPEALER willing to RESTORE those principles found in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
A Need For Repealers and Restorers
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