Saturday, April 4, 2009

We Are Losing Our Nation

America is on an unprecedented down hill path that will end in a socialist or fascist state with the redistribution of wealth to the looters and moochers currently in charge of the nation. In order to understand how we got here, we must go back in our history and look at the path that was laid out for us by God and the men who believed in Him.

Despite the pronouncements of his critics, the mess did not start with George W. Bush. The critics of the Bush administration run the gamut from the insiders within the current administration and Democrat controlled Congress, to the downright ignorant and unschooled people on the street who have never taken the time to study our nation's history. You hear them constantly. They freely admit that they do not like history and that it is old and boring. These are the folks Joseph Stalin fondly referred to as "useful idiots". In a revolution they would be the first to be "secured" because they would be those who ran to the moochers and looters with tidbits of information.

Our forefathers fought a War for Independence and in so doing gave us the Declaration of Independence. They actually admired this piece of parchment that laid out their views on the Rights Of Man, more so then the document they would create later, the Constitution of the United States. These two documents laid it out for us in that they explained our God given rights and liberties while establishing a lifetime government that when properly followed would make this nation and her people the most secured and wealthiest on the face of the earth.

Benjamin Franklin was asked after the convention what type of government he had given us. Franklin responded to the woman's question with this answer,"A Republic if you can keep it." Not only was this a warning by Franklin, but it was a shared view of te participants at the Constitutional Convention. Many did not believe the Republic would last but a few decades. The Founding Fathers placed us on the right path but we are now off it and determined, it seems, to give it up to tyrants within our own government.

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